Limitations of SuperSight Surgery :
Although the goal of SuperSight Surgery is to improve vision to the point of not being dependent on glasses or contact lenses, or to the point of wearing thinner (weaker) glasses, the patients should have real expectation.
Generally speaking, the patient’s preoperative expectations play a critical role in their postoperative satisfaction levels. Vision correction surgery today is very much driven by the patient’s needs and preferences.
“As a clinician, I tend to be most interested in improving my surgical outcomes, but controlling patient expectations may be more effective in terms of maximizing patients’ satisfaction than actually improving their postoperative outcome.” Says Dr. Somchai.
We will try our best to provide thorough, detailed information for patients about their medical condition, the phacoemulsification procedure, possible risks and complications, and the pros and cons of various lens options available. We also listen to what patients really want and expect from surgery, then doing our best to ensure those expectations are realistic. This is critical to success with all the special lens options.
To expect perfection at all distances and in all situations is not realistic!
Even though many of our patients end up not wearing glasses at all, we want their expectation to be that they will still need glasses for some activities. We emphasize that our goal is to reduce their dependence on glasses and we ask them to identify the visual tasks for which glasses would be least onerous.
Patients should realize the need for finding the "sweet spot" with any lens technology and possible adjustments in their personal life, such as adjusting their lighting situations and the location of their computers. Fortunately, these symptoms, including halos, typically do not affect most of the activities.
Unmet expectations are a problem for a number of reasons. One of the reasons that patients so often expect full spectacles independence despite warnings to the contrary is that retention of information about undesirable consequences is known to be poor and to decline over time.
SuperSight Surgery should not be performed on persons:
- Who don’t want to have surgery
- Who is satisfied with their functional vision
- Who have uncontrolled or advanced ocular disease
- Who have uncontrolled or advanced systemic disease
- Who are immune compromised or on drug or therapy that suppress the immune system
- Who are anxious, demanding or persons with expectation difficulties
If you know that you have any of these conditions, you should inform Dr. Somchai.
In addition, if you have any other concerns or possible conditions that might affect your decision to undertake SuperSight Surgery, you should discuss them with Dr. Somchai.
Risks of Undergoing SuperSight Surgery:
Very little (with either technique). But it is important to understand that with any surgery there are risks involved, even if the surgeon does nothing wrong and all goes well.
In some cases, individuals can be under or over correction. About 95% of patients have no complications (whatever).
Minor complications
which usually recover completely, including raised pressure, temporary water-logging in the front of the eye (corneal edema)
or in the back of the eye (macular edema), and a tendency for the upper eyelid to droop slightly (ptosis), or bleeding inside the eye.
One of these rarely causes permanent effects.
Serious complications
would include retinal detachment (1% of cases) and infection within the eye (endophthalmitis - approximately in 1 in 1,000 cases).
Both of these conditions are treatable if detected early enough, but this may result in permanent and severe visual loss,
including blindness or loss of the eye (very rare).
It is important to understand that the risk of these complications is intrinsic to the surgery itself,
and can occur even if the operation is performed well by an experienced surgeon.
The occurrence of one or more of these complications does not mean that the operation was poorly performed.
Risks of Not Undergoing SuperSight Surgery:
The risks of not having the surgery are limited to those associated with your current visual condition.
These include but are not limited to the dangers that may be associated with losing glasses or contact lenses, and the risks of trauma to the eye cause by breakage of plastic spectacles or contact lenses in the eye.
weary evening eyes see a weary evening world.
Henry Langman was really happy. He had traveled from the UK to Pattaya to visit the foremost eye surgeon in Thailand, Dr. Somchai at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital.
"The phobia is always there. You think there may pain or you think there may be complications. You hear, maybe, one horror story and get apprehensive."
He was gloating over the results of his SuperSight surgery a week ago and was beaming after his post-operative checkup with Dr. Somchai.
"I am nearly 60 and have never gotten used to the inconvenience of glasses. I play golf. I play and referee rugby. It's hard to do that in the rain wearing glasses. I'm always outdoors and hated to be reaching for spectacles," he stated.
"This was so simple, so fast and so pain-free. Now my mother is coming for the operation! "And what a value-just half the cost!"
The result one week later.
"I was able to see better instantly. I had a slight flickering for three days, but no discomfort. Amazing what a healthy drink at a pub will do for you, no??"
Henry opted for SuperSight surgery, a relatively new procedure helping those who, at over 40 years old-when they begin to struggle while reading a newspaper or peering at a price tag-acquire reading glasses.
"It was not an option in the UK. I would have had to travel to London and pay over •’6,000 for LASIK only," he reflected.
"I was speaking with a bartender over a few drinks here in Pattaya who had the eye surgery nine months ago. I hate glasses which I always lose or break-and the exams, and contacts. So he told me to see Dr. Somchai. I won't lie-there was trepidation, I mean any intrusion into the body is a bit scary. But the doctor was so professional. And we talked about LASIK as well. I felt I had the whole smorgasbord of possibilities."
Indeed, may people visit one of the established LASIK centers and are not presented the universe of possibilities. An intraocular surgeon can offer alternatives.
"I don't treat the disease, I treat my patient," Says Dr. Somchai.
"I combine technology and experience. I customize a solution-and it's not always LASIK. One technology doesn't fit all."
"As time goes by, our eyes lose the ability to focus on images up close. This condition is called presbyopia. It is simply an aging process of the internal lens of the eye and typically begins in your early 40s. It is possible to replace the lens inside the eye with a specially-designed lens, thereby decreasing the necessity for both near and distance glasses," he continued.
The good news ?
"SuperSight offers a better solution. Your vision after the procedure will be stable and unlikely to change over time. Cataract surgery is eliminated. The lens that is used will provide you with clearer vision at all distances, freeing you from bifocal glasses."
Dr.Somchai graduated from Chiang Mai University and studied refractive surgery in Belgium and Germany. He began the SuperSight surgery in 2002.
"I had four cases the first year! This year I will do more than 400."
For the active golfer who wants to shed the annoyance and inconvenience of eyeglasses, this is a superlative option.
John Steinbeck in Travels with Charlie, observed that "weary evening eyes see a weary evening world." Imagine what that new vision can do for your happy, refreshed perspective. It's a great insight into your new eyesight.
From: Golf Guide Magazine