The efficient optical design of ZEISS AT LISA tri family provides high-resolution images with outstanding contrast sensitivity at all distances and under all light conditions.
Designed to meet the highest expectations, ZEISS trifocal platform offers numerous advantages, such as:
- Improved visual acuity
The ZEISS AT LISA tri IOLs improve visual acuity over the whole vision range, especially after binocular implantation.
- Smooth transition
ZEISS AT LISA tri family enables a smooth transition between near, intermediate and far. Your patients will be able to switch back and forth between objects at different distances without the need to put on corrective glasses.
- Increased overall light transmittance
The refractive-diffractive profile designed to enhance intermediate vision over the central optic of AT LISA tri increases the overall efficiency of light transmittance to an average rate of 85.7 %.
- Asymmetrical light distribution
With a unique asymmetrical light distribution of 50 %, 20 % and 30 % between far, intermediate and near foci, AT LISA tri is able to provide more satisfying and predictable visual outcomes for younger patients with active pupils.
- Pupil independence
The maximized, pupil-independent design of AT LISA tri lenses is based on the proven long-term results of the LISA platform and ensures consistent optical performance regardless of the lighting conditions.
- Improved night vision
The optic design of AT LISA tri family with trifocal center and bifocal periphery ensures optimized night vision. After implantation of a ZEISS AT LISA tri lens nocturnal car trips or reading in a dim light can be performed with no further obstacles.
- Excellent image quality
Based on the proven Smooth Micro Phase technology, the lens surface of AT LISA tri does not have any sharp angles, resulting in ideal optical image quality with reduced light scattering.