Trompe L ‘ Oeil
Life is often a “Trompe L ‘ Oeil” : it is not what you see, it is what you THINK what you see.
By Dr.William H. van Ewijk,M.D.*
We all take for granted that our bodies are self repairing except when it concerns our eyes. Everyone knows from experience that the body automatically heals bruises, cuts, some cancers and even broken bones. But when it comes to our eyes, we are programmed that we need to wear glasses, contact lenses or undergo laser surgery. Most people are unaware that it is the brain that actually sees and not the eyes. The latter are a portal for light to pass that will be eventually interpreted by the brain, forming an image in our mind. Experiments have shown that when someone hangs upside down for a long time, the brain will automatically recalibrate itself to show the images as they are perceived when in a upright position. Of course when the person goes back to standing on his feet, he will see everything upside down until the brain recalibrates.
and some little funny things
Count every " F " in the following text:
WRONG, THERE ARE 6 -- no joke.
Really, go Back and Try to find the 6 F's before you scroll down.
The reasoning behind is further down.
The brain cannot process "OF".
Incredible or what? Go back and look again!!
Life is often a “Trompe L ‘ Oeil” : it is not what you see, it is what you THINK what you see. The eyes are the extension of the human brain and its window unto the world, as well the window of the soul. There are 6 muscles that surround each eye and control its movements: up, down, left and right. When something close is observed, the eyes turn out (diverge).These ocular muscles are 150-200 times stronger than they need to be and it’s the unnatural tensions (rigidity and inflexibility) in these muscles that cause the various vision defects. The eyes are dynamic organs and as such are subject to fluctuations. In reality the brain sees only a single point and recreates the rest from memory as the eye movements are so rapid that the whole picture is simultaneously kept in the mind, like a hard disc. Try to see everything crystal clear at one go and you will experience how the vision becomes blurred.
All the various eye flaws (farsightedness, nearsightedness, astigmatism, etc) are all due to psychosomatic imbalance which creates tensions in the human system affecting the eye muscles and thus creating flaws in human vision. Each flaw type, or combination of types, denotes a certain underlying imbalance in emotion and attitudes. It is well known that a person might see better in the morning than afternoon due to work stress or other factors.

The word TEACH reflects as LEARN.
By getting older, however, this psychosomatic imbalance does not correct so easy, and the people escape from their vision problems by wearing glasses. If one observes closely, people wearing glasses in general are stiffer physically and tenser on the inside emotionally. Glasses block the emotions that originally created the vision problem and we see that most people keep needing stronger and stronger prescriptions with the passage of time. They use glasses as a mask, to hide their emotions. Glasses also take away the true nature of color and present reality in a deformed manner. Recall how you felt when you wore glasses for the 1sh time, it didn’t seem right and everything started looking funny. And outside (disposable) contact lenses or the latest fashion of just laser, LASIK surgery as a panacea for eye vision problems is not the answer. From the last the long term effects have not been fully understood and most people require a second surgery in about 10 years time or so.
The Baby Boomers creates the demand for anti aging medicine and life extension. The silent revolution of anti-ageing medicine is so gradual yet pervasive that many of us have not even noticed that ageing ain’t what it used to be. In 1796 the average life span was but 25 years and in 1896 almost to 48 years. In 1996 the expected average life span in the U.S. was 75 year. Many reputable anti-ageing scientists, like Dr.William Regelson (The Melatonin Miracle) predicting average life span of 120-150 years before 2045!!
So quite logically Supersight operation must be seen as a part of rejuvenating therapy. In my case all over the place in my house were reading glasses. In each and every room, bathroom included. Later I realized how handicapped I really was: I could not open the house door with the key, could not read the menu in restaurants, Labels on wine bottles. It was my Swiss Colleague Dr. Olivier in Pattaya who put my attention on the scientific work of Dr. Somchai. And we both agreed that he is a brilliant researcher who was able to transform or adapt and “translate” the technique original intended for cataract surgery. This means that the technique of Dr. Somchai is incomparable with other “super” eye operations , because these procedures only changes the shape of the cornea, and Supersight works on the lens inside the eye. As a bonus: you will never need any cataract operation in your later life.
You probably read the word ME in brown, but.......
when you look through ME
you will see YOU!
The given and printed information for patients, honest, straight and understandable for laymen. However you should give serious attention before the surgery to the page: FOCUS ZONE, because that determinates not only the choice of lenses to implant, but protect you from too high expectations. While all available information is that clear, I like to stick too my own impression and experience.
The operation itself is a relaxed happening and much easier than expected. For both eyes it takes about 1 hours, and I advise you strong always do the two eyes in one setting and keep looking straight, to help the operator!! Recovery is quick and without any hassle or side effects. If you have someone who can drive you back home, on your request you can do so immediately. Normally the hospital asks you for one night to stay, but in fact this is not an absolute necessity. If you follow the post operative instructions with discipline, you will find out that tap water is the biggest enemy the first week, and you are obliged to use a lot of eye drops. How long : depends on each individual patient. I had during three months blurred vision and in the night saw halos, this makes driving in the night a torturing experience. But by the time and the repeat consultations with Dr. Somchai and even a free of charge additional surgery ( in his office ) to “fine-tune” my vision, I improved a lot and didn’t complain too much, because I knew that some patients had to use eye drops daily during 2 years.
Now, 18 months after the Supersight surgery, I never use eye drops anymore. I feel as the most happiest man in the world: not longer handicapped by all these glasses, and with pride I gave them all trough a Foundation to the poor people in Africa. My lifestyle improves and I really feel younger, just by not having to ask help to read or find something. The only ”side effect” could be that I don’t “see” or mention contrast so much, especially the differences, if they are all same colored, in steps. I thing is it not overdone to state that Supersight should be part of a life extension/rejuvenating treatment or philosophy : it is worth the effort and the money and the constant use ,pre operative, of reading glasses all time and everywhere makes you, at least, optically, OLD. Fortunately this is for me the past.
I wishes you all WELL, and remain,
Sincerely yours,
Dr. William H. Van Ewijk, M.D.
Villa Sutra, Raintree Village, 10/18,M8,Nongprue,Banglamung
Chonburi 20150 Thailand. +66892071473
*Dr. William H. Van Ewijk, M.D. is an internationally renowned researcher with more than 30 years of experience in basic clinical trials of new compounds, mainly in Clinical Immunology Cencer and Allergy. With Professor Jan Keunen, ophthalmologist University of Leiden,the Netherlands he carried out research on macular degeneration. In appreciation and international recognition of his dedication and outstanding contribution of knowledge, he was nominated as recipient of the Doctorate in Medicine, based on his Thesis “Placenta or The Lost Organ”. The book is about rejuvenating treatment, and in his opinion supersight should be part of rejuvenating therapy. His interest in the research background of hid colleague Dr.Somchai motivated him to do the supersight operation on February 16th, 2007. Dr.William is retired and lives sine 2004 near the hillsides of Pattaya.